Monday, 27 January 2025

SRFL Hills 2025 Succession Sekinan Library 1986



SRFL Hills

Succession Sekinan Library 1986

Sekinan Library is a research site on language founded at Tachikawa, Tokyo in 1986, where I started language study mainly related with Chinese classical philology called "Small Study", that is the most fundamental study base of Chinese characters analysis using Chinese philosophical classics. After the deepening down this classical study, since about millennium days, I again started the mathematical study of youth's dream, aiming to research language universals inherited from Linguistic Circle of Prague in 1920s' results, being assisted by algebraic geometry as a incapable student affected by glorious Bourbaki's mathematics.  Sekinan Library greeted the 30th anniversary in 2016.




28 January 2025

Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Paper 2003 - 2008 With Methodical Paper / Quantum Semantics, Quantum Language, Quantum Linguistics, Quantum Warp Theory and Frame Quantum Theory



Paper 2003 - 2008
With Methodical Paper

From Author;
Paper site, SRFL Paper, does not exist now.
So sorry.
Next all papers are picked up one by one, mainly from Sekinan Library Blogger sites SRFL News and Sekinan Table.


Paper 2003-2007



Symmetry Flow Language 2 Time Shift of Meaning in Moduli Space 7th for KARCEVSKIJ Sergej

Symmetry Flow Language 2 Boundary, Deformation and Torus as Language


Symmetry Flow Language Meaning Variation and Time Shift in Word as Homotopy For WANG Guowei and KARCEVSKIJ Sergej

Symmetry Flow Language Simplex, Simplicial Complex and Polyhedron

Symmetry Flow Language Homology on Language

Symmetry Flow Language Riemannian Metric, Flow and Entropy

Symmetry Flow Language Premise for Symmetry Flow in Language

Symmetry Flow Language Contents

Language and Spacetime Time Flow in Word For KOHARI Akihiro and His Time

Language and Spacetime Stability of Language

Language and Spacetime Construction of Spacetime Especially on Transformation with Boundary for Dimensions

Language and Spacetime Shift of Time From SAPIR Edward to KAWAMATA Yujiro

Language and Spacetime Description of Meaning 6th Time For KARCEVSKIJ Sergej

Language and Spacetime Generation of Sentence For WANG Guowei and CELAN Paul

Language and Spacetime Structure of Word From KARCEVSKIJ to MACLANE

Language and Spacetime Word Containing Time and 4 Dimensional Sphere Dedicated to MAC LANE Saunders

Language and Spacetime Language Definition for the Child who Lost the World

Language and Spacetime Contents

Escalator Language Theory Closed String, Worldsheet and Worldvolume on Escalator Language Theory

Escalator Language Theory Supplement to Spacetime Symmetry and Escalator Brane For CALVINO Itaro

Escalator Language Theory Spacetime Symmetry and Escalator Brane

Escalator Language Theory Escalator Membrane

Escalator Language Theory Time Symmetry Conjecture For GANTSCHEV Ivan THE CHRISTMAS TRAIN

Escalator Language Theory Escalator Language and Time For SHINRAN’s Idea of BOHDISATTVA

Escalator Language Theory Contents

Aurora Time Theory Opened Time and Closed Time For WANG Guowei and DELBRÜCK Max

Aurora Time Theory Opened Time and Closed Time For WANG Guowei and DELBRÜCK Max

Aurora Time Theory Enlarged Distance Theory For CELAN Paul

Aurora Time Theory Imaginary Time and Imaginary Space From HAWKING Stephen

Aurora Time Theory Time on Aurora

Aurora Time Theory Contents

Aurora Theory Why Human Time Flows Fast and Slow on Occasion

Aurora Theory Distance and Time 5th Time for KARCEVSKIJ

Aurora Theory Dictoron and Time

Aurora Theory Aurora Plane For Mother

Aurora Theory Limitation of Meaning

Aurora Theory Dictoron, Time and Symmetry

Aurora Theory Aurora and Riemann Sphere For MASON L. J.

Aurora Theory Dictoron as Language Quantum

Aurora Theory Aurora and Curvature

Aurora Theory Dictoron and Aurora For SAEKI Shizuto

Aurora Theory Dictoron For FINKELSTEIN David

Aurora Theory Contents

Supersurface and Language Nested Cube, Nested Torus and Cut-Tube-Ring -Toward Homology Group-

Supersurface and Language Supersurface, String and Knot including Longitude and Time -Toward Moduli Space-

Supersurface and Language Contents

Tube-Ring Theory Clockwise Language and Anticlockwise Language On Linguistic Universals

Tube-Ring Theory True and False Hierarchy of Language For CHINO Eiichi and Prague

Tube-Ring Theory Freedom and String Structures of Multi Dimensional Spaces

Tube-Ring Theory Imaginary Language Minus Dimensional Cut-Tube-Ring

Tube-Ring Theory Cut and Glue

Tube-Ring Theory Premise of Tube-Ring Theory Advance of Dimension Conducted by KARCEVSKIJ

Tube-Ring Theory Contents

Topological Semantics From Lattice to Necklace

Topological Semantics Breaking Symmetry of Language For TARSKI

Topological Semantics Torus Chain For MAC LANE Saunders

Topological Semantics Lineation, Rectangle and Universality

Topological Semantics Definition

Pre-Topological Semantics Nested Torus Theory - Plane Pillar Torus - For PONTLYAGIN Lev Semenovich

Topological Semantics Contents

Quantum Semantics Super Fluidity

Quantum Semantics Fiber Bundle on Language

Quantum Semantics Topological Tolerance For MILNOR J.W.

Quantum Semantics Topological Entangled Language For KITAEV Alexei Yu

Quantum Semantics Gauss’ plane

Quantum Semantics Lineation Lattice Plane Pillar

Quantum Semantics Proclamation of Quantum Semantics

Quantum Semantics Lattice

Quantum Semantics Contents

Quantum Language Frame and Transmission For Quantum Language Machine 3

Quantum Language Substantiality of Language For the Memory of Encounter with CHINO Eiichi nearly thirty years ago

Quantum Language Contents

Quantum Linguistics Creation of Meaning Toward Realization of Quantum Language Machine 2

Quantum Linguistics Nature of Quantum Toward Realization of Quantum Language Machine

Quantum Linguistics Growth of Word Dedicated to TAKEUCHI Gaishi

Quantum Linguistics Method of Quantum Linguistics

Quantum Linguistics Quantum Language Machine For the Forth Time to KARCEVSKIJ

Quantum Linguistics Intention and Sentence

Quantum Linguistics Solidity and Flexibility

Quantum Linguistics Contents

Obi Theory Birth Again for PONTLYAGIN L. S.

Obi Theory Whirl

Obi Theory Meaning

Obi Theory Time

Obi Theory Universe

Obi Theory Obi Language

Obi Theory Contents

For Authentication of Solidity

Solid Trace Theory Superlattice

Solid Trace Theory Solid Trace Language

Solid Trace Theory Solid Trace

Solid Trace Theory Contents

Quantum Warp Theory Folding

Quantum Warp Theory Dualism Thrice for KARCEVSKIJ

Quantum Warp Theory Warp

Quantum Warp Theory Contents

Double Linear Theory Double Linear Language

Double Linear Language Contents

Cube Theory Cube Word

Read more:

Cube Theory Cube Language

Cube Theory Cube Language

Cube Theory Structure of Cube

Cube Theory Dimension

Cube Theory Contents

Duplicability Theory Literalness

Duplicability Theory Antiworld

Duplicability Theory Duplicability

Duplicability Theory Contents

Frame-Sentence Language Association

Frame-Sentence Language Association

Frame-Sentence Language Comparison

Frame-Sentence Language Intention

Frame-Sentence Language Sentence Theoretical Criterion

Frame-Sentence Language Boundary

Frame-Sentence Language Contents

Reversionary Group Theory Inverse Element

Reversionary Group Theory Associative Law

Reversionary Group Theory Supposition

Frame-Sentence Language Association

Frame-Sentence Language Comparison

Frame-Sentence Language Intention

Frame-Sentence Language Sentence Theoretical Criterion

Frame-Sentence Language Boundary

Reversionary Group Theory Inverse Element

Reversionary Group Theory Associative Law

Reversionary Group Theory Supposition

Robot Language Selectionem Terminology in Robot Language

Robot Language Selectionem Inference and Will

Robot Language Selectionem Selection

Robot Language Sorting

Robot Language Sentence Confirmation for Formulation

Robot Language Robot

Robot Language Diversification

Robot Language Premise

For Authentication of Solidity

Set Theory 4

Set Theory 3 -On Frame Quantum Language-

Set Theory 2

Set Theory

Note Recognition

Note Reflection

Note For Semantics

Frame-Quantum-Time Theory 4 -Set Theory-

Frame-Quantum-Time Theory 3 -For Karcevskij Again-

Frame-Quantum-Time Theory 2

Frame-Quantum-Time Theory









Premise for Frame-Quantum Theory

Aim for Frame-Quantum Theory

Frame-Quantum Theory Addendum

Frame-Quantum Theory

Warp Theory

Prague Theory 3

Prague Theory 2

Prague Theory

Time Theory




Lineation For CHOMSKY Noam






Substantiality To SAPIR Edward

Grammar To CHINO Eiichi




Changeability To SAPIR and KARCEVSKIJ

Uniformity For SAUSSURE Ferdinand

Direction For KARCEVSKIJ Sergej

Actual Language and Imaginary Language To LÉVI-STRAUSS Claude

Guarantee of Language For LÉVI-STRAUSS Claude

Mirror Language

Mirror Theory For the Structure of Prayer

Reversion Theory

Quantum Theory for Language

Prague Theory Dedicated to KARCEVSKIJ, PRAGUE and CHINO

Distance Theory

On Time Property Inherent in Characters

Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language 2003-2019 Newly revised edition


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Paper 2007-2008



Escalator Language Theory Turning Point of Time For SINGER Isaac Bashevis, WHEN SHLEMIEL WENT TO WARSAW AND OTHER STORIES

Energy Distance Theory Conjecture 2 Geometry of Word

Energy Distance Theory Conjecture 1 Word and Meaning Minimum

Energy Distance Theory Note 4 Finsler Manifold and Distance

Energy Distance Theory Note 3 Energy and Functional

Energy Distance Theory Note 2 Heat and Diffusion

Energy Distance Theory Note 1 Energy and Distance

Energy Distance Theory Contents

Stochastic Meaning Theory Conjecture 2 Warp and Entropy

Stochastic Meaning Theory Conjecture 1

Stochastic Meaning Theory 5 Language as Brown Motion For ZHANG Taiyan 2

Stochastic Meaning Theory 4 Energy of Language For ZHANG Taiyan and Wenshi 1908

Stochastic Meaning Theory 3 Place of Meaning For Aurora Theory

Stochastic Meaning Theory 2 Period of Meaning 13th for KARCEVSKIJ Sergej

Stochastic Meaning Theory Period of Meaning 12th for KARCEVSKIJ Sergej

Stochastic Meaning Theory Contents

Holomorphic Meaning Theory 2 11th for KARCEVSKIJ Sergej

Holomorphic Meaning Theory 10th for KARCEVSKIJ Sergej

Holomorphic Meaning Theory Contents

Reversion Analysis Theory 2

Reversion Analysis Theory

Reversion Analysis Theory Contents

Functional Analysis 2 Conjecture 1 Generation of Word

Functional Analysis 2 Note 2 Orthogonal Decomposition

Functional Analysis 2 Note 1 Pre-Hilbert Space and Hilbert Space

Functional Analysis 2 Contents

Functional Analysis Conjecture 2 Distance at Hypersurface

Functional Analysis Conjecture 1 Finiteness of Vocabulary

Functional Analysis Note 4 Functional

Functional Analysis Note 3 Space

Functional Analysis Note 2 Equality and Inequality

Functional Analysis Note 1 Baire’s Category Theorem

Functional Analysis Contents

von Neumann Algebra 4 Conjecture 1 Relation between Word and Sentence From Word to Sentence

von Neumann Algebra 4 Note 2 Borchers’ Theorem

von Neumann Algebra 4 Note 1 Tomita’s Fundamental Theorem

von Neumann Algebra 3 Note 2 Purely Infinite

von Neumann Algebra 3 Note 1 Properly Infinite

von Neumann Algebra 2 Note Generation Theorem

von Neumann Algebra Note 3 Compact Operator

von Neumann Algebra Note 2 Tensor Product

von Neumann Algebra Note 1 Measure

von Neumann Algebra Contents

Operator Algebra Conjecture 3 Recognition

Operator Algebra Conjecture 2 Grammar

Operator Algebra Conjecture 1 Order of Word

Operator Algebra Note 4 Frame Operator

Operator Algebra Note 3 Self-adjoint and Symmetry

Operator Algebra Note 1 Differential Operator and Symbol

Operator Algebra Contents

Kac-Moody Lie Algebra Conjecture 1 Finiteness in Infinity on Language

Kac-Moody Lie Algebra Note 2 Quantum Group

Kac-Moody Lie Algebra Note 1 Kac-Moody Lie Algebra

Kac-Moody Lie Algebra Contents

Clifford Algebra Conjecture 1 Meaning Product

Clifford Algebra Note 7 Creation Operator and Annihilation Operator

Clifford Algebra Note 6 Periodicity

Clifford Algebra Note 5 TOMONAGA’s Super Multi-time Theory

Clifford Algebra Note 4 Dirac Operator From 3-dimensional Spinor Group to 4-dimensional Spin Manifold

Clifford Algebra Note 3 Anti-self-dual Form

Clifford Algebra Note 2 Anti-automorphism

Clifford Algebra Note 1 From Super Space to Quantization

Clifford Algebra Contents

Noncommutative Distance Theory Note 5 Kontsevich Invariant

Noncommutative Distance Theory Note 4 Atiyah’s Axiomatic System

Noncommutative Distance Theory Note 3 Point Space

Noncommutative Distance Theory Note 2 C*-Algebra

Noncommutative Distance Theory Note 1 Groupoid

Noncommutative Distance Theory Contents

Distance Theory Algebraically Supplemented Brane Simplified Model 3 S3 and Hoph Map

Distance Theory Algebraically Supplemented Brane Simplified Model 2 Distance

Distance Theory Algebraically Supplemented Brane Simplified Model 1 Bend

Distance Theory Algebraically Supplemented Contents

Algebraic Linguistics Linguistic Result Deep Fissure between Word and Sentence

Algebraic Linguistics Linguistic Conjecture  Sentence versus Word

Algebraic Linguistics Contents

Cell Theory Projective Space as Scheme for Word Order

Cell Theory Conifold as Word

Cell Theory From Cell to Manifold For LEIBNIZ and JAKOBSON

Cell Theory Contents


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