Thursday 17 October 2024

Language comprehension from the Past. 2004-2018
Language comprehension from the Past


   Tableau of dialogue of Nagano district
When I was the second grade of elementary school, I visited Nagano district being taken by mother in summer vacation.
There I first heard Nagano dialect. I was interested in the dialog.
After returning home of Tokyo, I summarized the experience of Nagano to a tableau in which I wrote a comparison of dialect between Nagano and Tokyo.
This tableau was pinned up on the wall of the classroom in new autumn term.
It was a pleasant remembrance of my language comprehension.

  Question about a notation
When the third grade of elementary school, I asked a question about the notation of Japanese.
Having same pronunciation /o/ between the following two words, why < many > is written to ooi, while is written to otousan?

   First learning of foreign language
When the forth grade of elementary school, I began to learn English, the first foreign language, by myself reading texts of my elder sister.

Symbolism of France
When the second school of high school, I learned French for reading the poems of symbolism in France.

Memorization of Saying of Mao Zedong
When learning the composition of Chinese, we memorized and wrote the phrase of Saying of Mao Zedong once a week.
It is a peculiar time of my life on language learning.

   Learning of Russian I learned Russian from the daughter of Russian noblewoman.
Her pronunciation is clearly remembered at present in my heart.
She taught me the Russian poem for the festival of Russian class of the university.

Pronunciation of Korean
When learning of pronunciation of Korean, the teacher was not satisfied with my pronunciation of imnida.
I recognized the difficulty of foreign language again there.
The teacher whom I respected died at age 47.
His name is CHO Shokichi.
One of his most important works is Watashino Chosengo sho-jiten, My little dictionary of Korean Language.

Tokyo November 14, 2004
March 11, 2007 Revised
October 10, 2018 Reprinted

SQGL is Sekinan Library's specialised site for ​QGL Quantum Group for Language that has researched since 2017 being carried out the original invention in spring 2003 at Hakuba, Nagano. ​Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language ​shows the intention's details. But at the time 2003, the invention did not have any actuality for the realization as a mathematical theory. What changed the state of my study resulted from the progress of quantum groups at mathematics and the development of particle physics. Speech and writing is the first phase of language and it is a distinct physical phenomena for human being. Here exists my clear point of departure.

Half Farewell to the Linguistic Circle of Prague and Sergej Karcevskij. 2013-2014

Half Farewell to the Linguistic Circle of Prague and Sergej Karcevskij

I have thought on language through the rich results of the linguistic Circle of Pragueand its important member Sergej Karcevskij. But now my recent thinking has inclined towards algebraic or arithmetic geometrical method and description.

Probably it is the time of half farewell to those milestones which led me to the standing place here with rather sufficient results in my ability. Great thanks to all that always encouraged me for hard and vague target on language especially meaning and its surroundings. And also to CHINO Eiichi with love and respect who taught me all the bases of language study.

For recent results see the following papers group named AGL Arithmetic Geometry Language and related essays.

AGL Arithmetic Geometry Language
Dimension of Language (AGL 1)
Synthesis of Meaning and Transition of Dimension (AGL 2)
Birth of Word, Synthesis of Meaning and Dimension of New Word (AGL 3)
Dimension Conjecture at Synthesis of Meaning (AGL 4)

Parts and Whole
Edward Sapir's Language, 1921
Macro Time and Micro Time
Meaning Minimum
Disposition of Language

Tokyo 23 October 2013
24 September 2014, references added
Sekinan Research Field of Language

Half farewell to Sergej Karcevskij and the Linguistic Circle of Prague. 2013

Half farewell to Sergej Karcevskij and the Linguistic Circle of Prague
I have thought on language through the rich results of the linguistic Circle of Prague ad its important member Sergej Karcevskij. But now my recent thinking has inclined towards algebraic or arithmetic geometrical method and description. Probably it is the time of half farewell to those milestones which led me to the standing place here with rather sufficient results in my ability. Great thanks to all that always encouraged me for hard and vague target on language especially meaning and its surroundings. And to CHINO Eiichi with love and respect.

Recent result: Research. hillsforever
CHINO Eiichi: Fortuitous meeting
The Linguistic Circle of Prague: Linguistic Circle of Prague
Sergej Karcevskij: Sergej Karcevskij, Soul of Language

23 October 2013
Sekinan Reserach Field of Language

Note for KARCEVSKIJ Sergej's "Du dualisme asymetrique du signe linguistique" . 2011

Notes for KARCEVSKIJ Sergej

Note for KARCEVSKIJ Sergej's "Du dualisme asymetrique du signe linguistique"


A language model is made for a solution of KARCEVSKIJ's paper.

Manifold M has quadrant homology connection.
Cup product map is null map.
If M is the upper situation, the fundamental group of M contains the free group of rank b1(M) as the partial group.
b1(M) = dimH1(M;R)

Language is given by manifold M.
Word is given by fundamental group of M.
Mobile part of word is given by partial group, the free group of rank b1(M).
The details of the proposition and the interpretation are described at the other papers of Notes for KARVESKIJ Sergej.

September 8, 2011
The Sekinan Research Field of Language

Sergej Karcevskij, Soul of Language

Sergej Karcevskij, Soul of Language


Sergej Karcevskij determined my life. I have pursued his back evermore.
He has given me the most radical questions on language.
Note for KARCEVSKIJ Sergej’s “Du dualisme asymetrique du signe linguistique” is a paper dedicated to him recently.


Sergej Karcevskij
I have pursued his back evermore
the most radical questions
Note for KARCEVSKIJ Sergej’s “Du dualisme asymetrique du signe linguistique

7 November 2012
Sekinan Research Field of Language
18 October 2024
Sekinan Hills Recopied

Sekinan Table: Operator Algebra Conjecture 3 Recognition

Sekinan Table: Operator Algebra Conjecture 3 Recognition: Operator Algebra Conjecture 3  Recognition    TANAKA Akio 1 Total of words is finite at a certain time. 2 Total of bein...

Sekinan Table: Operator Algebra Conjecture 2 Grammar

Sekinan Table: Operator Algebra Conjecture 2 Grammar: Operator Algebra Conjecture 2 Grammar  TANAKA Akio 1 Word  E  and  F  are seemed to be complex local vertex space. 2 Se...

Sekinan Table: Operator Algebra Conjecture 1 Order of Word

Sekinan Table: Operator Algebra Conjecture 1 Order of Word: Operator Algebra Conjecture 1 Order of Word   TANAKA Akio 1 Root of Language is word. 2 Word is a function. It is called word...

Sekinan Table: Operator Algebra Note 4 Frame Operator

Sekinan Table: Operator Algebra Note 4 Frame Operator: Operator Algebra Note 4 Frame Operator  TANAKA Akio 1 Hilbert space      H Sequence of points in  H      { x n } Certai...

Sekinan Table: Operator Algebra Note 3 Self-adjoint and Symmetry

Sekinan Table: Operator Algebra Note 3 Self-adjoint and Symmetry: Operator Algebra Note 3 Self-adjoint and Symmetry  TANAKA Akio Hilbert space      H ,  K Operator from  H  to  K      A D...

Operator Algebra

Operator Algebra
Differential Operator and Symbol
One Paper Lost
Self-adjoint and Symmetry
Frame Operator
Order of Word

17 October 2024
Sekinan Hills

Tuesday 15 October 2024

On Time Property Inherent in Characters 2003

On Time Property Inherent in Characters 2003
16 Oct 2024 Reprint

On Time Property Inherent in Characters


Here I will try to consider on the generation and the function of characters that have been used in Chinese which is classified to isolating language in linguistic typology.Concerning the early forms of characters, we can verify them by the ancient inscriptions on bone and tortoiseshell that were discovered at /Yinxu/ and so forth. At the first stage that is usually classified to five on the inscriptions, they already displayed the inceptive completion, from where it is very difficult to speculate the beginning shapes of characters. On vocabulary and syntax, inscriptions displayed the almost same inceptive completion. Here what is inceptive completion is meant that comprehension or speculation is practicable by the usage of modern Chinese. Therefore the generation and the function of characters are subsidiary after the inscriptions. On the situation of forming the inscriptions namely explanation to decipher inscriptions, many researches are accumulated. Here, in these researches, I proceed with consideration claiming the works of after 1990 in main.

1 Generation of charactersWhen we see the inscription of character /yu/ that means bringing up in English, it is impossible to doubt that this inscription shows the situation of childbirth time by woman. In this inscription the situation of childbirth is shown by three stages. First there is a figure in which woman is going to give birth to a baby crossing both arms at the front of her chest. She takes a bent-forward posture, sticks her buttocks out and bend her knees gently. Second the situation of what the waters break is shown by the signs similar to dotted lines. Third at central or under part of the waters, a new born baby is shown in the shape of baby’s head inverted. Through three factors illustrated in the inscription, character /yu/ is clearly expressed the situation of childbirth time and the immediately after the birth time.When we see the inscription of character /yan/ that means language or speak in English, the form of the inscription is simplified or transformed considerably at the first stage of classification on inscriptions. So the explanation to decipher inscriptions is developed variously. Here I will show one interpretation including the result of Chinese archeology in recent years. A form of character /yan/ is able to see the three parts that are upper, middle and under. According to the result of Chinese archeology, the upper part is regarded as the tongue’s point of a bronze bell used at meeting in /Yin/ period. The central part of character /yan/ is the body of a tongue. The under part of character /yan/ is regarded to be the outside of a bell. In /Yin/ period, at the time to let the meeting begin, the bronze-like bell was ringed loudly to let the people connected to know. When the meeting was opened, the bell was inferred to put up side down on a table. That is to say, the main body of a bell is inferred to be putted up side down and the tongue of a bell is inferred to be putted upward on the form of bell’s setting. This setting of a bell is shaped regarded to become the character’s form of inscription of on bone and tortoiseshell. According to this interpretation of the inscription, /yan/ can be said to show the situation of post-notification of a meeting in /Yin/ period.Therefore the figuration of the reversed bell was regarded to become the inscription of character /yan/. When we see the inscription of character /geng/ that means to cross in English, we comprehend that the inscription shows the two parallel lines in which a bow pattern is included. WANG Guowei†0 regarded that this inscription is as same as the character /heng/ that means permanent or lasting in English. Now I follow his interpretation. He wrote in his paper that two up-and-down lines are both banks of a river and inner bow shaped figure is a ship which goes and returns between the banks†1. According to this interpretation, /geng/ or /heng/ shows the operations of crossing a river, that operations are permanently repeated in an identical space†1.From the inscriptions of three characters of /yu/, /yan/ and /geng/, now we can induce or infer the following.First, Inscriptions which are original shapes of characters, in some cases, have a proceeding time in characters themselves. That is to say, as for character /yu/, that means the time of childbirth, from beginning to end. As for character /yan/, that means the time of meeting, from announcement to being open. As for character /heng/, that means the proceeding time of crossing the river by ferry.Second, on the inscriptions, several aspects of the various phenomena which occur on the proceeding time in characters are sometimes shown by the images or implications. As for character /yu/, remarkable aspects’ figures are bending mother’s body, amniotic fluid and new born baby†2. As for character /yan/, the one remarkable is the bell which is set in the upside down condition, which means the announcement of meeting which was already opened a few minutes ago. The other remarkable is the same bell which is set on the table in the upside down condition, which means the meeting is now going†3. As for character /heng/, remarkable aspects are both banks and a ferry boat. Third, on the inscriptions, several aspects, which are shown by the remarkable figures, transmit the messages. As for character /yu/, babybirth from mother’s body, the situation of birth time and new baby appeared in this world are transmitted simultaneously by the one character /yu/. As for character /yan/, transmitting is announcement of meeting, opening of meeting and contents of being discussed by the meeting. As for character /heng/, work of crossing the river, reach the opposite bank of the river and repetitions of these works, namely, constancy are transmitted for the information. Therefore from the induction or inference on the generation of character’s meaning above mentioned, the following function of characters is led for us.

2 Function of characters
First, the time-proceeding aspect being inhered in every character has the strong tendency toward the most distinctive information of the real world. As for character /yu/, while woman is giving birth to a baby, the most distinctive information is the figure of mother’s body bending, and after birth, the existence of a new baby becomes the most distinctive information†2. The various grammatical functions of one character are generated from the time proceeding and successive phenomena of distinctive aspects in the real world.As for character /yu/, at the birth time, verbal aspect of giving birth is emphasized, but after birth nounal aspect of a new born baby oneself is emphasized. As for character /yan/, before the meeting verbal aspect of telling the opening is the most important thing, but while being opened or after the meeting the nounal aspect of speaking content of the meeting is the most valuable thing†3. Second, when two or over two characters are connected, every character wants to emphasizes selecting one distinctive aspect inherent in oneself, and want to connect to the other character or characters. Because if two or over two aspects is transmitted, there will appear the non-clearness in the information. As for character /yu/, connection with character /sheng/ (which means grow in English), namely /sheng yu/, in this situation /yu/ means give birth to in English. Connection with /cai/ (which means a person of talent in English), namely /yu cai/, in this situation /yu/ means educate in English. That is to say, character /yu/ has two phases of meanings. One is concerned with the situation of child-birth of mother’s body. The other is concerned with the situation of a person that is already growing.Third, every character has several aspects of inherent time inclination. When there is a connection of two characters, each character has the choosing operation from the several meanings in the character. Two or over two characters generate a new meaning complex by the operations of choosing the most precedent meaning in the each. This complex can maintain the new clearness of information on the connection of characters which have many branches of meanings in total.For example, from above mentioned characters /yu/, /yan/ and /heng/, when two characters /heng/ and /yan/ are connected to one word /heng yan/, /heng/ chooses the meaning constant in English and /yan/ chooses the meaning utterance in English. New meaning complex is the expression by the stable person. This /heng yan/ appears in the Chinese classic Mengzi by the complex meaning. Then, when every individual character does selectivity of aspects, what functions does work in the characters? On the other hand, when two or over two characters connect by the choosing the most precedent meaning respectively, what functions does work out of the characters?

3 Self selectivity of function on character
Now I examine the situation of what two or over two characters connect and generate the new aspect complex. For instance, I adopt above mentioned characters connection word /heng yan/.In the first place, /yan heng/, which is a reverse disposition of /heng yan/, is examined. This characters disposition is not notified as the one word generally in the Chinese. This characters set is usually recognized as a sentence. The meaning is in English. That is to say, this characters set does not generate new aspect complex and two aspects of every individual character form in a line. Why this divergence, namely generating word or sentence, occurs in the characters disposition?Here I infer that< time property inherent in characters> is worked. Detailed inference is mentioned below.On

The first paper on Inherent time in word

The first paper on Inherent time in word at SRFL. 2014
26/07/2014 10:18

In 2003 I wrote a paper which shows the inherent time in word, titled On Time Property Inherent in Characters. In those days I frequently looked upon the reading on linguistic history of Chinese characters. Qing dynasty is like a sitting sun being lighted with classical study of Chinese Classics. In October 2002, I contracted pneumonia and entered a hospital two weeks. At the hospital pneumonia smoothly recovered to usual health. So I thought on my study life and my main target of language at the free time. From the hospital’s window the Okutama Mountains were always clearly seen. Seeing the mountains, I gradually determined that the research must be led by clear description, not by traditional style of historical language study. But my study was mainly put on WANG Guowei’s style until then. His life work, Quangtangjilin is the only book in my life. Then at the hospital bed, I confirmed that my study was mixed to clear desorption and traditional WANG’s work. In March 2003, I stayed at Hakuba, Nagano for tasting the passing wintry season’s landscape. At the place, I suddenly floating up an idea of language study that word has time in it and that time and meaning are all shaped to be elements. At the result I finished the paper, On Time Property Inherent in Characters.

On Time Property Inherent in Characters / 28 March 2003

Chronicle of SRFL News. Till September 2024


Essay and Paper
Sekinan Table

Early Work
Till Spring 2007


Article of Sekinan Table 2015-2023

2023 (108)
2022 (605)
2021 (291)
2020 (924)
2019 (861)
2018 (1898)
2017 (570)
2016 (301)
2015 (460)

Total 6018

Sekinan Table Blog Archive
Lower right of the site frame

8 September 2024
Sekinan Hills

Chronicle of Sekinan Table. Till 2023


Essay and Paper
Sekinan Table

Early Work
Till Spring 2007


Article of Sekinan Table 2015-2023

2023 (108)
2022 (605)
2021 (291)
2020 (924)
2019 (861)
2018 (1898)
2017 (570)
2016 (301)
2015 (460)

Total 6018

Sekinan Table Blog Archive
Lower right of the site frame

8 September 2024
Sekinan Hills

Under the Dim Light

Under the Dim Light


I frequently talked with CHINO Eiichi at the coffee shop near the station we used to get on. The shop was at the second floor and the steps upstairs always sounded squeaking. Under the dim light the topics of conversation was on language or linguistics after all. He was already the university professor but I was a poor research student. But he was always showed me the general tenderness.

The subject he gave me were impressive and useful for me, in which the most important is the history of the Linguistic Circle of Prague and the excellent pioneers of language study. He had of course the unique approach to the study but I had never any conspicuous one except boundless interest on the study.

In his wide and precious telling for me I gradually determined my course to proceed. It was the making of basic and radical foundation on natural language by searching the structure of language through simple and clear description. For keeping this difficult aim I had a decision that there was only way to use mathematics that I had abandoned at the past for its hardness.

In my age 20s, I had read Ludwig Wittgenstein and Nicolas Bourbaki in concentrating. I did not clearly understand Wittgenstein’s approach. But I borrowed his writing style that was simple and clear. So my early work’s descriptions were nearly at him. But I decided that I never adopted strongly-intuitive thinking.

I always considered mathematical basis or analogy. My aim was the independence from the intuitive description. Keeping on this course, there was seen the mathematical basis that I must adopt the model in which language universals are clearly described. I entered to the mathematical description of study that was confirmed premises of my way.

Linguistic Circle of Prague

Linguistic Circle of Prague
The following papers maybe read at the SEkinan Hislls Blogger SRFL News.

How is the time alive in language?
Prague in 1920s
Perhaps return to physics
The days of von Neumann Algebra
The days between von Neumann Algebra and Complex Manifold Deformation Theory
Time in Word

SIL News
Linguistic Circle of Prague
I need not more wander the bookshop streets
CHINO Eiichi and Golden Prague
What facts does Three Conjectures Synthesis and Reversion show us?
Hurrying up to library
Prague in 1920s
The Linguistic Circle of Prague and Sergej Karcevskij's paper "Du dualisme asymetrique du signe linguistique"
40 years passed from I read WANG Guowei
Fortuitous Meeting
From Distance to Pseudo-Kobayashi-Distance
von Neumann Algebra and After
Hall farewell to Sergej Karcevskij and the Linguistic Circle of Prague with Reference
Three Themes on Language
Writing Style of the Papers in 2013

6 September 2024
Sekinan Hills

Saturday 12 October 2024

The Complete Works of TANIYAMA Yutaka,1994

The Complete Works of TANIYAMA Yutaka,1994


The Complete Works of TANIYAMA Yutaka, Revised Edition, 1994 always shows me the youth of the post-war mathematics in Japan. At the same time It gave me the feeling of strong longing.
When A. Wiles and R. Taylor finally solved the Fermat’s Last Theorem in 1994, TANIYAMA-SHIMURA Conjecture became famous overnight in Japan too. After the situation was settled a matter, I saw the feature articles on TANIYAMA in the journal, Mathematics Seminar at the bookshop nearby of my home.
My first impression was a longing desire to his high achievement to mathematics or studies in history. At those days I was at the midst of age 40s and did not accomplish anything on my field of language. Of course I did not desire any fame or special situation. I only hope from the bottom of my heart to propose the results that let assent to myself.
Nearly 20 years passed away since those days. Now there is any enviable thing to TANIYAMA or his colleague. Because I also discovered my aim and approach on my theme. It is absolutely same that I have not proposed anything to the learning. I only have the probably same aim that many surpassed people had or have. Merely I have not any genius to learning. My true tiny happiness is what I am still learning on my objects every day. It is only one that is language forever.

12 October 2024 REprint
Sekinan Hills

Friday 11 October 2024

Mt. Tateyama and campers, August 2009

Mt. Tateyama and campers, August 2009

Posted on July 30, 2013

Mt. Tateyama is the precipitous mountain that I love the most in the many mountains in Japan.
We went its foot and walked around afar seeing the severe mountain’s cliffs from here and there.
It was a really fantastic experience for us.
Seeing the mountain is my and wife’s long desire.
Many family, hikers, travellers and genuine climbers were gathering all over Japan and overseas. Their camping base is located below under the mountain bottom.
Looking down the scene gave us also very fine feeling for confirming the mountain's dignified appearance.

11 October 2024
Revised a little
Sekinan Hills

Wednesday 9 October 2024

QNT News : Floer Homology Language Note4 Reversibility of Lan...

QNT News : Floer Homology Language Note4 Reversibility of Lan...: Sekinan Table: Floer Homology Language Note4 Reversibility of Lan... :   Floer Homology Language TANAKA Akio     Note4 Reversibility of ...

QNT News : Sekinan Data: Karcevskij conjecture 1928 and Kawam...

QNT News : Sekinan Data: Karcevskij conjecture 1928 and Kawam...: Sekinan Data: Karcevskij conjecture 1928 and Kawamata conjecture... :   Karcevskij conjecture 1928 and Kawamata conjecture 2002   TANAKA Aki...

atbankofdam again: Intuition and Mathematics through Chinese classic ...

atbankofdam again: Intuition and Mathematics through Chinese classic ...:   Sep 21, 2021 Intuition and Mathematics What NISHI Junzo remained for us 2 TANAKA Akio                                     Intuition and ma...

atbankofdam again: Sekinan Table: Word as Infinite loop Space

atbankofdam again: Sekinan Table: Word as Infinite loop Space: Sekinan Table: Word as Infinite loop Space :   Word as Infinite loop Space TANAKA Akio 1.  Result of D. G. Quillen by  Annals of Mathema...

atbankofdam again: Sekinan Table: Energy Distance Theory Conjecture 2...

atbankofdam again: Sekinan Table: Energy Distance Theory Conjecture 2...: Sekinan Table: Energy Distance Theory Conjecture 2 Geometry of ... :   Energy Distance Theory Conjecture 2 Geometry of Word TANAKA Aki...

atbankofdam again: Sekinan Table: Deep Fissure between Word and Sentence

atbankofdam again: Sekinan Table: Deep Fissure between Word and Sentence: Sekinan Table: Deep Fissure between Word and Sentence :   Tuesday, 26 February 2013 Deep Fissure between Word and Sentence Linguistic Re...

atbankofdam again: Meaning minimum / On Roman Jakobson, Sergej Karcev...

atbankofdam again: Meaning minimum / On Roman Jakobson, Sergej Karcev...:   Meaning minimum On Roman Jakobson, Sergej Karcevskij and CHINO Eiichi TANAKA Akio ifbetrue 6 April 2013 1. Meaning minimum  is one of the ...

SRFL News: Why I started Quantum-Nerve Theory? Note and Note ...

SRFL News: Why I started Quantum-Nerve Theory? Note and Note ...:   Why I started Quantum-Nerve Theory? Note and Note 2 for The Time of Language The Time of Language Ode to  The Early Bourbaki To Grothendie...

SRFL News: Inspiration The Time of Quantum

SRFL News: Inspiration The Time of Quantum:   31/08/2015 15:5 Inspiration      The Time of Quantum   TANAKA Akio In August  2003, I went to   Hakuba in Nagano prefecture for the summer...

Sekinan Table: Quantum Group Language Word Indexed and Word Synth...

Sekinan Table: Quantum Group Language Word Indexed and Word Synth...:   Quantum Group Language Word Indexed and Word Synthesized 14/07/2018 18:41   Quantum Group Language      Word Indexed and Word Synthesized ...

atbankofdam again: Another pass way to mathematics

atbankofdam again: Another pass way to mathematics:   Saturday, 27 July 2013 Another pass way to mathematics Another pass way to mathematics     02jan13 In some 40 years I had concerned with m...

Thursday 3 October 2024

Why is boundary necessary in language?

Why is boundary necessary in language?
01/09/2015 17:09
Why is boundary necessary in language?

q.v. Boundary of Words ​/ 12 February 2009


I have thought of language as a physic existence that has inevitably boundary to the outer world.
My question is simple and primitive. I ever wrote about the change of language - If there be change, there are exactly the situations before change and after change.
Just where does changing substance exist? In the essay, rotten apple was used as the symbol of changing language.

Presupposition on Natural Language


Language is variable. If it be true, what is the base of variability?
Language is pronounceable. If it be true, what is emerged by pronounced?
Language is recordable. If it be true, what is emerged by recorded? 4.
An apple is variable and will be rotten by time proceeding. An apple is pronounced at a glossary shop and will be bought by a home-maker.
An apple is recordable and will be recorded in a photo.
What distinguishes language from apple? The answer is uncertain. So I make the language models parting from natural language.

For WITTGENSTEIN Ludwig / Position of Language / 10 December 2005-3 August 2012

22 August 2012
Sekinan Research Field of Language
Language&s substantiality has been considered since I returned to the mathematical approach for learn language universals from the utterly beginning. In 2005 I wrote a tiny trial paper on the substantiality of language for thinking the study course hereafter.



Dedicated to SAPIR Edward


1 Substance of language is completion which possesses the distance from the real world.
2 The distance is sustained by the fixation for which meaning and time are abstracted.
3 If language has not distance, language appears and disappears following the real world proceeding.
4 Language is substantially unchangeable. Changeability occurs on surrounding.
5 The distance is measured by the longitude from the real world to the substantiality that meaning and time possess.
6 Substantiality is a frame of language.
7 Substantiality is free from the real world.
8 Substantiality is powered by outer energy.
9 Powered substantiality moves complied with possessed command, namely meaning and time.
10 Powered moving substantiality of language is called .
11 The idea of quantum is partially realized by in the supermarket or bookstore.
12 Substantiality is bar code of can or book. Outer energy is bar code reader. Quantum moves in a cash register. Language generates price addition in the real world.
13 Bar code is not language. Bar code is substantiality of language. Bar code does not move by itself. When bar code reader becomes energetic, bar code generates in a cash register. Language, namely, price-additional-work, starts at bookstore of station front in the bustling evening.

Tokyo February 27, 2005
For the Memory of Tanashi Station Front Street February 26, 2005
Sekinan Research Field of Language


In 2013, I again wrote on the substantiality of language at the new level containing the determinate essence of language, dimension and time. The title is Macro Time and Micro Time. In this paper I thought that dimension is the essential factor of meaning, especially containing Infinitive meaning.


Macro Time and Micro Time

24 July 201
3 atbankofdam
Through natural language, in human being, occurred the electrical signal by eye or ear. These complex situations are beyond this paper’s limits.
Language is a physical object as signal and its transmission. At this circumstanstances, langauge must be recognised to be the existence that has finite time.
An apple on the desk gradually becomes rotten by passing the time very after the crop in the orchard. #0
Like an apple, language has passing physical time in oneself.
Language is metamorphosed by the time progressing. #1
Language includes the outer world from human being to universe. At this declaration, I recall Blaise Pascal’s Pensées. XXXIII. PROOFS OF JESUS CHRIST 308 The infinite distance between body and mind symbolizes the infinitely more infinite distance between mind and charity, for charity is supernatural.(Translated by A.J. Krailsheimer, 1966) #2
Language’s time goes freely from the present to the future or the present to the past. #3
Language symbolises the time from finiteness to infinity. #4
Human being recognises this vast language world perfectly. #5

#0 For WITTGENSTEIN Ludwig Position of Language / December 10, 2005 – August 3, 2012 / Sekinan Research Field of Language
#1 Time of Word / Complex Manifold Deformation Theory / January 1, 2009 / sekinanlogos
#2 PASCAL PENSÉES. Translated with an introduction by A.J. Krailsheimer. PENGUIN BOOKS 1966.
#3 Escalator language and Time For SHINRAN’s Idea and BOHDISATTVA / Escalator Language Theory / December 16, 2006 / Sekinan Research Field of Language
#4 From Finiteness to Infinity on Language / Topological Group Theory / February 1, 2009 / sekinanlogos
#5 Understandability of Language / Complex Manifold Deformation Theory /January 9, 2009 / sekinanlogos
To be continued.
Boundary is related with dimension through Poincaré Theorem. Details are next.


Dual Language

Duality of Language


1. Theorem
(Poincaré duality)
For oriented compact n-dimension topological manifold M ,
biliear form

is exact,
and become dual space each other.

2. Interpretation
Word := M Boundary of language := p Dual language := and Language :=
3. Explanation
Word is compact and has dimension.
Language has dimension.
Language has boundary.
Boundary makes dual language.

4. References
Distance Theory
Mirror Theory
Guarantee of Language
25 May 2012
Sekinan Research Field of Language


5. Relation between boundary and synthesis in language is utterly unknown field for me. Study has just started from the entrance position. Recent results are the next.

Synthesis Conjecture
Conjecture for synthesis of meaning in word


Synthesis 1 Conjecture for synthesis of meaning in word 29/09/2013 19:25 For synthesis of meaning in word, Conjecture: Condition for synthesis of meaning in word i s proposed by cohomological expression.

2 Conjecture: Condition for synthesis of meaning in word
29/09/2013 18:38
On condition for synthesis of meaning in word, at conjecture is proposed by the next result of etale cohomology.
Canonical natural equivalence
The next two are left exact additional functors.
F : A -> A’
G : A’ -> A”
A and A’ have enough many injective objects.
If F transfers A’ s injective object to G acyclic object, the next canonical natural equivalence is concluded.
R ( G O F ) =~ RG O RF .
Word is shown by R . This word is called old word .
Base meaning in word is shown by F .
Word that has base meaning is shown by RF .
Additional meaning to word is shown by G .
Word that has additional meaning is shown by RG . This word is called intermediate word .
Word that has base meaning and additional meaning is shown by R ( G O F ). This word is called new word .
For completion of new word, old word and intermediate word have the condition shown by the canonical natural equivalence of etale cohomology.

3 Canonical natural equivalence
29/09/2013 18:08
Canonical natural equivalence
The next two are left exact additional functors.
F : A -> A’
G : A’ -> A”
A and A’ have enough many injective objects.
If F transfers A ‘s injective object to G acyclic object, the next canonical natural equivalence is concluded.
R ( G O F ) =~ RG O RF .

Source: Conjecture for synthesis of meaning in word / sekinanlatest 2013

Tokyo 1 May 2014
Sekinan Research Field of Language


Three Conjectures containing Synthesis Conjecture are shown at the next.These conjectures are the latest result of language universals at SRFL Sekinan Research Field of Language.

Three Conjectures for Dimension, Synthesis and Reversion with Root and Supplement


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Sekinan Ideogram From 2016

Sekinan Ideogram

Sekinan Ideogram
Old name : Sekinan Zoho

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Letter to WPM. On Nerve Theory. 29 April 2021. References 1. 2. and 3. added 30 April 2021

Ideogram Paper
On Time Property Inherent in Characters ​2003
Ideogram 2005
Lineation 2005
Egyptian Hieroglyph Exhibition, Journey through the Afterlife Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead by The British Museum 2012
Lang Model 2012
ONO Shinobu and Bernhard Karlgren 2015
Essence of Language 2016
The Days of Decipherment 2016
The Days of Ideogram 2017
The Days of Ideogram Note added Edition 2017
From Chinese character’s meaning structure to Homological algebraic model of language universals 2017
Time and Shape of Language from How is the time alive in language 2017
Connection between early paper’s quantum and recent paper’s geometry 7th edition 2017
Letter to Y. Of the century of language 2018
Letter to Y. Of Broad Language 4th edition 2018
Determination of the concept, Broad Language 2018
Ars longa Seeing Masterpieces of French Landscape Paintings from the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow 2018
Letter to Y. Of Broad Language 4th Text revised edition With Note 2019
The upper Ideogram Paper is now placed at the basis of a new theory titled Quantum-Nerve Theory.
Quantum-Nerve Theory With References 2019

Dedicated to the days
AMINO Yoshihiko, historian of modern Japan
At the campus of university
At the lawn terrace before library
CHINO Eiichi and Golden Prague
CHINO Eiichi Fortuitous meeting
Coffee shop named California
From Distance to Pseudo-Kobayashi-Distance Dedicated to CHINO Eiichi
Geometry is the only one expression for me to describe language universals
Containing the time which is one of the important elements of meaning For CHINO Eiichi
Glitter of youth through philosophy and mathematics in 1970s
Hurrying up to library
KAJIMURA Hideki His Korean Classroom
KAWASAKI Tsuneyuki Late spring trip
Language and I
Letter to the library Abridged version
​Linguistic Circle of Prague
NISHI Junzo, Philosopher of Modern Japan
Intuition and Mathematics
Natary MURAVIJOVA Russian Language Class
​​ONO Shinobu and Bernhard Karlgren
Papa Wonderful. Professor Momose
PW. University
PW. History
PW. Drizzling Rain
Rhododendron has come out this year 2017
Symbolism of Japan, Haiku. I learnt from SAEKI Shoichi ​Under the dim light
Two Sadness 1976 KONDO Tadayoshi, SUGIYAMA Yasuhiko, HURUTA Hiromu, MIYAZAKI Kenzo and HANANOI Kazumi
Coffee shop 1982 ONO Shinobu, KAWASAKI Tsuneyuki and YAMAMOTO Kichizo
YWCA of Tokyo KAWASAKI Tsuneyuki taught at this school in youth days

Memorial verse
For Professor YAMAZAKI
At the lawn terrace before library