Friday 30 August 2024

Late spring trip 1983  -Translated by Google-

Late spring trip
-Translated by Google-

We went to Nara on May 22nd. The flower fields were beautiful. I saw the Pure Land Art Exhibition at the Nara National Museum. There were Buddhist statues, Pure Land Mandalas, and Raigo-zu. Professor ONO was supervising the museum studies training at Kansai University. I listened to his talk and also listened to his lecture in the auditorium. On the way back, I was relieved to see the auntie looking healthy at Hiyoshikan.
 The next morning, the 23rd, I called Professor Kawasaki. I asked him if I could accompany me to Hiei. I asked him at the hotel, and as the car turned into a hill and entered a deep grove, he said, "I feel at ease when I come to this area." From the Hiei Driveway to the top of the mountain. The azalea flowers were beautiful outside the window. I went up to the observation deck at the top of the mountain. He said, "You can see Kyoto in three dimensions." We then see the rhododendron garden. In the late spring light.
 We head towards Yokokawa. We see the Shokannon at Yokokawa Chudo. When we see the statue of Dogen, the teacher says, "He has a rather childlike face." We walk through the tranquil grove and see the garden of Eshin-in. He says that this place "retains the image of the Heian period," and points out the undulating rock formations and valleys. We reach the Shiki Lecture Hall. We hear a story about Ryogen and Genshin.  From Yokokawa, we descend along the Oku-Hiei Driveway to Lake Biwa. The calm surface of the lake and green fields. The umbrella we prepared that morning is no longer needed.
We arrive at Sakamoto and are treated to a feast at an old soba restaurant. We learn about Mt. Hiei, where the teacher first visited, and about the complete works of Dengyo Daishi.
 I thank the teacher for the day and head to Hiyoshi Taisha Shrine. Afterwards, I walked down a gentle slope to Eizan Station and took the Kosei Line, which had just arrived, back to Kyoto. The throngs of people around me reminded me of summer.

Bulletin No. 15. 1 January 1983



Nara National Museum. Nara, Japan. Famous by Japanese Buddhism art.
The Exhibition of the Pure Land Art. Nara National Museum. 1983
Statues of Buddha
Mandalas of the Pure Land
Images of Amitabha coming
ONO Katsutoshi. Historian. 1905-1988. Famous by the study of Priest En-nin, Tendaishu sect, who entered Tang dynasty of China and remained precise diary on China at that time.
Hiyoshikan Inn. Famous regular inn by the researchers of ancient history of Japan and Buddhism.
KAWASAKI Tsuneyuki. Historian. 1908-1996. I learnt Buddhism from him between 1979 and 1986.
Hieizan Mountain. Holy mountain of Tendaishu sect of Japanese Buddhism.
Hiei Drive way
Hieizan observation platform
Rhododendron Garden. Gifted from India.
Yokawa, Hieizan. The most inner area of holy Hieizan.
Yokawa Main Temple
Shokannnon Avalokitesvara
Statue of Dogen. Dogen 1200-1253. The founder of Sotoshu sect of Japanese Buddhism.
Eshin-in Temple. Priest Genshin ever lived.
Garden of Eshin-in.
Shikikodo Four season Hall
Priest Ryogen 912-985.
Priest Genshin 942-1017. The theoretical founder of Japanese Pure Land Sect
Inner Hiei Drive way
Biwako Lake. The biggest lake of Japan
Sakamoto, Shiga Prefecture, Japan. Famous by old priests of Tendaishu sect lived.
The complete works of Denkyodaishi. Denkyodaishi is the founder of Tendaishu sect of Japanese Buddhism.
Hie-taisha Shrine. Located at the foot of Hieizan. Keep safe of Hieizan.
Eizan Station, Shiga Prefecture, Japan.
Kosei Line, One of JR lines.


Rhododendron has come out this year
Papa Wonderful. 21 History
Papa Wonderful. 30 Reunion
Papa Wonderful. 37 Photograph
Papa Wonderful. 43 On the concept of freedom in history

2 September 2017 Reprinted, Note and references added
Sekinan Library

Library History

Library History

Glitter of youth through philosophy and mathematics in 1970s

The Days of Sekinan Library

Site History 2003 - 2014

Site History 2015

Short History of SRFL

SRFL Founded in 2003

Road to Language Universals

The rest is omitted

Wednesday 28 August 2024

Small university on the hill Translated by Google

20 University

 Tadokoro-san sometimes thinks back to university. He attended university twice. The first time was in his early twenties, as a regular university student. The second time was in his thirties, this time as an audit student. The reason for this is that he didn't study very much at the first university. However, when asked, people don't believe him. It is surprisingly difficult to convey the truth. That is the simple answer, but more accurately, it is not that Tadokoro-san didn't study at all at university. He didn't know what he should study at university. For Tadokoro-san, it was not easy to choose what he should study most seriously in his life at the beginning of his twenties. He finished university while wandering, but since the economy was booming at the time, he was able to get a job at an electrical parts company. His job was to manage the inventory of electrical parts that were divided into small parts according to their uses. It was a time when electrical-related businesses were expanding not only in Japan but also worldwide, so this time every day was a study. Moreover, he knew his goal very well. What is the appropriate inventory? Isn't there a way to deliver faster with less inventory? In the background of his work, there were trends in the world economy, rapid progress and improvements in industrial technology, and changes in working conditions, and he certainly felt that he was participating in the progress of the modern world. However, this feeling gradually changed as he began to see the whole picture of his work.

 Inventory management is done by humans, but the inventory itself is of course a material thing. Here, Tadokoro-san was suddenly faced with a very simple question: what is it about humans who deal with materials that are in huge circulation every day?

 For the first time, Tadokoro-san was forced to learn on his own. This was the trigger that led him to go to university again. However, he first needed to maintain his current lifestyle, so he became an auditor at night classes.

The university was on a small hill. Therefore, the university was small. The university had no gates or walls, so you could go up and down the hill from anywhere. The university was clearly underfunded, and when it rained, some of the roofs would leak and run off, and the tables and chairs in the cafeteria were so wobbly that Tadokoro nearly spilled his ramen soup on several occasions, but strangely enough, he felt an attachment to these things. Everything was new to him after a long time back at university. Among them, there was one scene that he still remembers clearly. It was early April, and when he took a day off to deliver some documents and went up the hill at the university during the day, he heard a crowd of people and a commotion. When he got closer, he saw a huge hot air balloon about to rise into the air in the athletic field below. The balloon was brightly colored, and the sound of its burners roared all around. However, the scene was somehow silent, even amid the excitement of the students. With the passage of a short time, the hustle and bustle of the past had disappeared, and the university had changed, and times had changed. Stepping back from sentimentality for a moment, Tadokoro recalled that a woman who lived in America during this time had calmly remarked that we may have exchanged large sums of money for loose change, or small change. All Tadokoro had learned at university was a basic level of some foreign language. And that was simply reading textbooks and answering practice questions. She was not belittling language learning; on the contrary, it was the only thing that gave her a sense of steady progress. If we take into account the qualitative meaning, that period, which was a vast amount of time, may indeed have been a time of loose change.

Monday 19 August 2024

Sekinan Hills Renewed 2024. Sekinan Hills Renewed 2024

Sekinan Hills Renewed 2024
Blog, About, Archive, Chronicle, Essay, Letter, Paper, Person and Theory.
Compilation of nearly 40 years at Sekinan Library.

Sekinan Hills - Sekinan Hills2024Succession Sekinan Library 1986

Friday 16 August 2024

Sekinan Hills 2024

Sekinan Hills
Succession Sekinan Library 1986
Archive, Chronicle, Essay, Paper and Theory
Sekinan Hills - Sekinan Hills
Succession Sekinan Library 1986
Sekinan Hills

Thursday 15 August 2024

Supposition on dimension 2013

Supposition on dimension
December 28, 2013

Supposition of what dimension exists in language seems to be rational for me from some points of view.
one of which is proposed at the next by essay’s style.

True-false problem of the Crete. 22 July 2013. atbankofdam

Mathematical approach to the theme has been started using strict arithmetic algebra in this year.
Refer to the next.
Dimension Conjecture at Synthesis of Meaning. 9 September 2013. hillseverzoho.

Dimension, synthesis, finiteness and reversion in langauge are seen at the next.

Research. hillsforever

25 October 2013
Sekinan Research Field of Language</b>

Saturday 10 August 2024

Individuality 2005



1 A quantum is located in a coordinate system.
2 A system has three axes. Lineation is x-axis. Concreteness is y-axis. Combination is z-axis.
3 Properties of three axes are fundamentally expressed in the paper of Quantum Theory for Language Synopsis.
4 Three axes determine a location of a quantum.
5 A quantum has a direction and a longitude.
6 A direction expresses an actuality inherent in a quantum. A longitude expresses a time inherent in a quantum.
7 A quantum which has the maximum longitude starts the movement toward a center of a coordinate system.
8 When the former quantum touches the next quantum, connection or separation occurs between the two quanta.
9 Connection and separation obey connection rule and separation rule of quanta.
10 The direction of quanta obeys the direction of a quantum which has stronger longitude between the two quanta.
11 The movement of quanta toward a center of a system is expressed individually by the locus of quanta.
12 A sentence is expressed by a locus of a set of quanta.
13 Different set of quanta is expressed by the different locus.
14 Individuality of sentences is guaranteed by the locus of quanta.
15 End of a sentence is a quanta’s return to a center of a system.

Tokyo January 10, 2005
Sekinan Research Field of Language

Root of Language / 20 September 2014

Root of Language / 20 September 2014
20/09/2014 10:02

Root of Language


The root of language is in the discreteness. All the information of language are generated from this simple structure which supposition is derived from Flux Conjecture, Lemma 1 and Lemma 2.

Floer Homology Language

​ Note 8

Discreteness of Language​

​ ​ Flux Conjecture​
(Lalonde-McDuff-Polterovich 1998)​
Image of Flux homomorphism is discrete at H 1 ( M ; R ).​

Lemma 1​
Next two are equivalent.​
(i) Flux conjecture is correct.​
(ii) All the complete symplectic homeomorphism is C 1 topological closed at symplectic transformation group.​

Lemma 2​
Next two are equivalent.​
(1) Flux conjecture is correct.​
(ii) Diagonal set M M ×M is stable by the next definition.​

L is stable at the next condition.​
(i) There exist differential 1 form u 1 , u 2 over L that is sufficiently small.​
(ii) When sup| u 1 |, sup| u 2 | is Lu 1 Lu 2 for u 1 , u 2 , there exists f that satisfies u 1 - u 2 = df .​

0 ​

is de Rham cohomology class.​

Symplectic manifold ( M, w )​
Group's connected component of complete homeomorphism Ham ( M, w )​
Flux isomorphism Flux: π 1 (Ham( M, w ) )→ R​
Road of Ham ( M, w ) γ ( t )​
δγ / δt = Xu ( t ) that is defined bu closed differential form U t over M​

Symplectic manifold M​
n-dimensional submanifold L M​
L that satisfies next condition is called special Lagrangian submanifold.​
Ω's restriction to L is L 's volume. ​

M 's special Lagrangian submanifold L​
Flat complex line bundle L​
LAG sp ( M ) ( L, L )​

Complex manifold M †​
p M †​
Sheaf over M † f p​
f p ( U ) = C ( p U )​
f p ( U ) = 0 ( p U )​

Special Lagrangian fiber bundle π : M → N​
Complementary dimension 2's submanifold S ( N ) N​
π -1 ( p ) = L P​
Pair ( L p , L p )​
p N - S ( N )​
L p Complex flat line bundle​
All the pair ( L p , L p ) s is M 0 † .​

(Geometric mirror symmetry conjecture Strominger-Yau-Zaslow 1996)​
Mirror of M is diffeomorphic with compactification of M 0 † .​

6 ​
Pairs of Lagrangian submanifold of M and flat U(1) over the submanifold ( L 1 , L 1 ), ( L 2 , L 2 )​
( L 1 , L 1 ) ( L 2 , L 2 ) means the next.​
There exists complete symplectic homeomorphism that is ψ( L 2 ) = L 2​
ψ * L 2 is isomorphic with L 1 .​

Discreteness of language is possible by Flux conjecture 1998.​

Quantization of Language / Floer Homology Language / Note 7 / June 24, 2009 ​
For WITTGENSTEIN Ludwig / Position of Language / Tokyo December 10, 2005 ​

To be continued​
Tokyo July 19, 2009​
Sekinan Research Field of Language ​

Back to sekinanlogoshome

................................................................................................................ Source:
Floer Homology Language / Note 8 / Discreteness of Language / 19 July 2009

20 September 2014
Sekinan Rearch Field of Language

Friday 9 August 2024

Letter to WPM On Aurora Theory 1 December 2019 – 11 December 2019

Letter to WPM On Aurora Theory 1 December 2019 – 11 December 2019

Farewell to language universals. Letter to WPM. Along the ridges of the mountains. On Aurora Theory. 6th Edition. 11 December 2019
Why climb mountain.Climb for existence.MIYATA HachiroMountain photographer, Japan– 2018 Letter to WPM Along the ridges of the mountainsOn Aurora Theory Dear WPM, Thanks a lot for RTs and probably for your lasting love on language.Now I am uploading Aurora Theory 2006 and its relevant papers to WordPress.At this occasion, I will write some memories on Aurora … Continue readingFarewell to language universals. Letter to WPM. Along the ridges of the mountains. On Aurora Theory. 6th Edition. 11 December 2019Posted on December 11, 2019 by Sekinan ViewPosted in UncategorizedTagged Farewell to language universals. Letter to WPM. 6th Edition.Leave a commentEdit

Now remembering Aurora Theory as the first language model. Letter to WPM. 5th Edition. 5 December 2019
Now remembering Aurora Theory as the first language model. Letter to WPM. 5th Edition. 5 December 2019 Why climb mountain.Climb for existence.MIYATA HachiroMountain photographer, Japan– 2018 Letter to WPM Along the ridges of the mountainsOn Aurora Theory Dear WPM, Thanks a lot for RTs and probably for your lasting love on language.Now I am uploading Aurora … Continue readingNow remembering Aurora Theory as the first language model. Letter to WPM. 5th Edition. 5 December 2019Posted on December 5, 2019 by Sekinan ViewPosted in UncategorizedLeave a commentEdit

Letter to WPM Along the ridges of the mountains On Aurora Theory 4th Edition 4 December 2019
Letter to WPM Along the ridges of the mountains On Aurora Theory 4th Edition 4 December 2019 Why climb mountain.Climb for existence.MIYATA HachiroMountain photographer, Japan– 2018 Letter to WPM Along the ridges of the mountainsOn Aurora Theory Dear WPM, Thanks a lot for RTs and probably for your lasting love on language.Now I am uploading Aurora Theory … Continue readingLetter to WPM Along the ridges of the mountains On Aurora Theory 4th Edition 4 December 2019Posted on December 4, 2019 by Sekinan ViewPosted in UncategorizedLeave a commentEdit

Letter to WPM Along the ridges of the mountains On Aurora Theory 3rd Edition 2 December 2019
Why climb mountain.Climb for existence.MIYATA HachiroMountain photographer, Japan– 2018 Letter to WPM Along the ridges of the mountainsOn Aurora Theory Dear WPM, Thanks a lot for RTs and probably for your lasting love on language.Now I am uploading Aurora Theory 2006 and its relevant papers to WordPress.At this occasion, I will write some memories on Aurora … Continue readingLetter to WPM Along the ridges of the mountains On Aurora Theory 3rd Edition 2 December 2019Posted on December 2, 2019 by Sekinan ViewPosted in UncategorizedLeave a commentEdit

Letter to WPM Along the ridges of the mountains On Aurora Theory 2nd Edition 2 December 2019
Why climb mountain.Climb for existence.MIYATA HachiroMountain photographer, Japan– 2018 Letter to WPM Along the ridges of the mountainsOn Aurora Theory Dear WPM, Thanks a lot for RTs and probably for your lasting love on language.Now I am uploading Aurora Theory 2006 and its relevant papers to WordPress.At this occasion, I will write some memories on Aurora … Continue readingLetter to WPM Along the ridges of the mountains On Aurora Theory 2nd Edition 2 December 2019Posted on December 2, 2019 by Sekinan ViewPosted in UncategorizedLeave a commentEdit

Letter to WPM Along the ridges of the mountains On Aurora Theory 1 December 2019
Why climb mountain.Climb for existence.MIYATA HachiroMountain photographer, Japan– 2018 Letter to WPM Along the ridges of the mountainsOn Aurora Theory Dear WPM, Thanks a lot for RTs and probably for your lasting love on language.Now I am uploading Aurora Theory 2006 and its relevant papers to WordPress.At this occasion, I will write some memories on Aurora … Continue readingLetter to WPM Along the ridges of the mountains On Aurora Theory 1 December 2019Posted on December 1, 2019 by Sekinan ViewPosted in UncategorizedTagged Letter to WPM Along the ridges of the mountains On Aurora Theory 1 December 2019.Leave a commentEdit

10 August 2020

Letter to O. again Bridge from Old China's Linguistics (Xiaoxue) to Linguistic Circle of Prague 2018

Letter to O. again
Bridge from Old China's Linguistics (Xiaoxue) to Linguistic Circle of Prague

From TANAKA, again send a letter.
Thanks a lot for your kind letter although you are in every day busy work.

I had thought again sending a letter to you but I could not, for year-end thorough cleaning of my little house.

The fact is I uploaded the letter to you on my Blogger SRFL News, removing your private part.
This blog is still now ranked in the third position.
My blog is written by English so the readers are almost foreigners. But this blog is written in Japanese as same as the real letter to you. Your sincere thinking of old books may give the readers with agreement, who love the old books like you.

Blog's URL is the next.

In your letter, you wrote that you would read the books comfortably not selling the old books of your work. I have also felt the same feeling so I bought Development of the modern poems written by ANDO Tsuguo who was the fine teacher of literature at the university and I once went to his home thinking to hear his intimate voice on poem and literature. He was one of the most typical poet and critic in the present age of Japan.

And now I would want to read KIYOOKA Takayuki's collected poems, that was ever read in my youth.

In autumn 1970 I was the senior of university, when the next spring I would graduate, I met with the thick French binding KIYOOKA's collected poems at the well drop-in bookshop of Hachioji, Tokyo. At that time I could not yet find my whole life object of learning.

In his book, I read a long poem titled "at the campus of university" in which he wrote that he meets with the whole life object of learning as he meets with his beloved person in his life.

The next spring 1971 I graduated the university, when I could not find any object at the campus while I ruminated KIYOOKA's stanza.

What I really met with my whole life object was already entered in the 21 century at my age 56 in 2003 after much trial and error. It was language universals that was ever taught from CHINO Eiichi who was the real life time teacher of mine and the successor of the Linguistic Circle of Prague, who spent 7 year study at Prague.

Sergej Karcevskij gave me the great hint of approach to language universals through the famous paper titled "Du Dualisme asymétrique du signe linguistique" 1929.

In 2003 I wrote a paper titled " Quantum Theory for Language" after some trial papers, " On Time Property Inherent in Characters", " Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language" .
In 2004 I wrote two attached papers, " Distance Theory" and "Reversion Theory".

After the suggestion of CHINO, I have tried the very hard road of writing style using mathematical base assisted from many contemporary mathematician works, especially at the field of algebraic geometry.

The paper " Quantum Theory for Language" was selected one of the 4 oral presentations of the linguistic field of a international symposium focused on the Silk Road.

On Karcevskij and CHINO I wrote a tiny paper, " Prague in 1920" which was dedicated the two as a token of my cordially gratitude.

Dear O. I am very happy to meet with you so you gave me the true value of books and the precious relationship between books and human being. Your work and suggestion made me recollect the important people and events on my life.

With best regards,

2 January 2018
Sekinan Library

Tuesday 6 August 2024

Letter to Y. Of S.W. Hawking's THE CHRONOLOGY PROTECTION CONJECTURE.. 4 August 2018.Translated by Google

Letter to Y. Of S.W. Hawking's THE CHRONOLOGY PROTECTION CONJECTURE.. 4 August 2018

Dear Y,

Thank you for your email despite your busy schedule.

I am also studying little by little in preparation for the fall.
As with anything, the more I study, the more I understand.

As this is related to my main topic, I am currently reading a 1991 academic lecture by Dr. Hawking, who passed away this spring, titled The Chronology Protection Conjecture.
NTT Publishing has the full English version available.
I have always understood the word Chronology to mean chronological order,
but the historical order of time certainly does not reverse, so this word is appropriate.
I have simply translated chronological order as Time Order, but this would allow any order.
In the Shorter Oxford, the word first appeared in 1593, and is written as The science of computing time or periods of time, and the Latin and original Greek are included. When Greek is written in alphabetic notation, it becomes kronos-+logia, and I felt the historical depth of English from the origin of vocabulary.

Dr. Hawking is trying to prove from the viewpoint of physics that time cannot be reversed and that time machines are impossible. Since it is not a mathematical method, I call it a hypothesis, but I think it is a highly advanced physically content. I have been thinking about imaginary time for a while, and I have written a small paper based on the doctor's thesis, so I have always been interested in his views.

My paper is as follows.

Aurora Time Theory Imaginary Time and Imaginary Space From HAWKING Stephen.
In the fall, I would like to make some progress on the main topic, Quantum Group Language, which has been continuing since 2003. I am currently in the preparation work. is still fun to be able to clearly describe conceptual things in mathematics, if it works well.
There are not many approaches to such languages, and it is pioneering and attractive.

Take care.

4 August 2018

Letter to Old friend YOKOTE. November 2023. On love to language. Translated by Google


Letter to Old friend YOKOTE. November 2023. On love to language. Translated by Google

Letter to Y. C. November 2023

Translated by Google
Original text is Japanese



 In my case, I loved poetry, and my teacher at university taught me haiku.

However, in the end, even though I was fully aware that I was untalented, I returned to the bottom of my studies.

I'm still in the process of being uncertain.

From my language teacher Eiichi Chino

 ``Don't do something so difficult.

 It's not what we do."

Although he was strongly scolded, he continued on his way.

 love language, 

 love mathematics,

 I love expressions in English,

For the past 20 years, that's pretty much all I've been doing.

It has been published on the Internet.

The essays posted on that relatively old site on the internet
were being read little by little around the world.

Over 200,000 pages in over 20 years


My philosophy of expressing language through mathematics
remains unchanged.

It is said that language cannot be expressed in words.

Because it's at my core.

Twenty years ago, the physics concept of quantum

I tried to express language using

Fortunately, this essay was rare;

International symposium held in Nara

I was one of the four presenters in the language and literature department.

However, at this stage, the quantum itself is notated mathematically.

I wasn't able to do that.

However, from around 2000 , the mathematical concept of quantum groups
began to become popular, and now the physical concept of quantum has become popular.

It is now possible to express it clearly in mathematics.

This is my current stage.

Still, I don't understand anything about the language itself.

That is my current situation. 


November 2023

Sekinan Library

Sunday 4 August 2024

Letter to Y. Supplemental addition. On Language and Oriental Character Study. 2018. Translated by Google

Letter to Y. Supplemental addition. On Language and Oriental Character Study.2018

Letter to Y. Supplemental addition

>Dear Y.,

"I think that Twitter numbers alone are not reliable enough to be treated as objective." I agree with this.

I was oversimplifying by showing only the results from Twitter. I made my judgment based on the results of each of the statistics , such as 8 general sites on Weebly in the past, 7 specialized sites on Webnode a little later, 3 sites on the invitational Wix, and 1 paper and essay site each on Blogger. So I don't think it's so self-satisfied. And I'm too old to be self-satisfied now.

However, the fact that visual language is becoming important has not been so popular in the history of linguistics since the modern era.
Saussure and others have formed linguistics based on the premise that language originates from speaking and listening.

In China, character studies have deepened dramatically in modern times, but this is largely due to Chinese characters.
Of course, Japan has also continued to retain its influence, including the introduction of Chinese characters.
In the West, there are few major linguistic fields such as graphology, and graphology has generally been placed at a lower level.
The research of Rokuro Kono of Japan is probably one of the most comprehensive works on graphology. He passed away last year, but his foundation was based on Chinese and Korean studies.

I take a slightly different route, but in the broader sense, I can say that I grew up on the academic achievements of Rokuro Kono and others.
One of Kono's memorable essays was published in the "Language" section of the Iwanami Lecture Series "Philosophy" in the 1970s, in which he stated that even if we trace the formation of language back to the level of cuneiform characters, he strongly felt that the basis of its structure was almost entirely based on the Chinese "Six Scripts." It was his great achievement to solve the difficult problem of the role of "transfer" in the "Six Scripts," which are the six ways of constructing Chinese characters.

In today's world, where the total amount of language has increased dramatically, there is no doubt that the proportion of written languages ​​has rapidly increased due to their excellent preservation properties.
Computers have further expanded the situation of the increase in characters.

It is certain that speaking and listening are the origin of language, but whether this actually constitutes the historical essence of language is another matter.
History has expanded and become more precise through characters. And we are probably at the leading edge of this.

In this situation, it is my position to try to think about language.
When I said "transcendental," I meant that it is important to think about it from a historical perspective that spans a long span.

It's simple, but I just added a little bit.


8 January 2018

31 August 2024 Revised
Hills West