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Root of Language / 20 September 2014

Root of Language / 20 September 2014
20/09/2014 10:02

Root of Language


The root of language is in the discreteness. All the information of language are generated from this simple structure which supposition is derived from Flux Conjecture, Lemma 1 and Lemma 2.

Floer Homology Language

​ Note 8

Discreteness of Language​

​ ​ Flux Conjecture​
(Lalonde-McDuff-Polterovich 1998)​
Image of Flux homomorphism is discrete at H 1 ( M ; R ).​

Lemma 1​
Next two are equivalent.​
(i) Flux conjecture is correct.​
(ii) All the complete symplectic homeomorphism is C 1 topological closed at symplectic transformation group.​

Lemma 2​
Next two are equivalent.​
(1) Flux conjecture is correct.​
(ii) Diagonal set M M ×M is stable by the next definition.​

L is stable at the next condition.​
(i) There exist differential 1 form u 1 , u 2 over L that is sufficiently small.​
(ii) When sup| u 1 |, sup| u 2 | is Lu 1 Lu 2 for u 1 , u 2 , there exists f that satisfies u 1 - u 2 = df .​

0 ​

is de Rham cohomology class.​

Symplectic manifold ( M, w )​
Group's connected component of complete homeomorphism Ham ( M, w )​
Flux isomorphism Flux: π 1 (Ham( M, w ) )→ R​
Road of Ham ( M, w ) γ ( t )​
δγ / δt = Xu ( t ) that is defined bu closed differential form U t over M​

Symplectic manifold M​
n-dimensional submanifold L M​
L that satisfies next condition is called special Lagrangian submanifold.​
Ω's restriction to L is L 's volume. ​

M 's special Lagrangian submanifold L​
Flat complex line bundle L​
LAG sp ( M ) ( L, L )​

Complex manifold M †​
p M †​
Sheaf over M † f p​
f p ( U ) = C ( p U )​
f p ( U ) = 0 ( p U )​

Special Lagrangian fiber bundle π : M → N​
Complementary dimension 2's submanifold S ( N ) N​
π -1 ( p ) = L P​
Pair ( L p , L p )​
p N - S ( N )​
L p Complex flat line bundle​
All the pair ( L p , L p ) s is M 0 † .​

(Geometric mirror symmetry conjecture Strominger-Yau-Zaslow 1996)​
Mirror of M is diffeomorphic with compactification of M 0 † .​

6 ​
Pairs of Lagrangian submanifold of M and flat U(1) over the submanifold ( L 1 , L 1 ), ( L 2 , L 2 )​
( L 1 , L 1 ) ( L 2 , L 2 ) means the next.​
There exists complete symplectic homeomorphism that is ψ( L 2 ) = L 2​
ψ * L 2 is isomorphic with L 1 .​

Discreteness of language is possible by Flux conjecture 1998.​

Quantization of Language / Floer Homology Language / Note 7 / June 24, 2009 ​
For WITTGENSTEIN Ludwig / Position of Language / Tokyo December 10, 2005 ​

To be continued​
Tokyo July 19, 2009​
Sekinan Research Field of Language ​

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................................................................................................................ Source:
Floer Homology Language / Note 8 / Discreteness of Language / 19 July 2009

20 September 2014
Sekinan Rearch Field of Language

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